Monday 9 November 2015

Let us clean the mirror and light the inner light

On diwali, we see people decorating their houses, cleaning the homes, lighting the lamps,dressed up in new dresses everywhere.

The beginning of a new year is welcomed in a very beautiful manner. Let us also pause, rethink and clean our inner self and lit the lamp in our inner mind too.

Let us evaluate and analyse our prejudices, thinking patterns and do a beautiful tranformation.

Let us smile inwards and approach world with much enthusiasm. Let this be our journey from darkness to lightness.

Let us stop complaining and be stronger with all challenges in the world. Let us be aware that are less fortunate people in this world and be aware of all the blessings that life offers us.

Let us clean the dirty mirror and see how beautiful the outer world is than we imagined.

Let us be aware of all the negative emotions that conquers us and makes our life complicated.

Let us stop judgments and start loving the people around. Let us stop assuming we are Mr or Ms Perfect and correct our mistakes as and when we realise it.

This year I have lost three persons whom I loved a lot. Let us love and care everyone so that we later have no regrets.

Nothing is permanent in this world. So let us throw all the emotional bagagges, get rid of all the grudges.

Let us stop comparing with others. Let us be the best version of ourselves.

Let us live and let others live happily.

Wish everyone a  very happy Diwali.

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