Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Think wisely and Make the best out of your life.

The true meaning of life is what you choose to make life for yourself. We need to learn some lessons to make this journey beautiful. Our parents, teachers, friends, acquaintances and even strangers teach us lessons. Do we learn, that is important.

In life we always face situations that upset us,times when our attempts fail.
We ask ‘why only me?‘, then think of  those who are worse than you. Just now you are reading this post because you are literate, you own a system. Be thankful for the friends, family you have.Happiness is a choice.Being grateful will always make you happy.

Never ever compromise on your values.

Love is a beautiful emotion.  Love freely and deeply, for being able to love is what makes life worth living.Experience life and be receptive.

Spend time with children.

It is amazing to see how they live in moments.You can learn a lot from them.

Don't be foolish by allowing others to take decisions for you. Set borders and limits. In the same way, allow others to make their own decisions.Own your choices and mistakes, and be ready for improvisation.

We find many person regret later in life. 

Reason may be many
1. Regret for not understanding love
The divorce rate increasing day by day proves it. Talk to the couple later. They will surely tell they regret for the break up. The regret  is that he/she didn’t correct  most of the signs/problems/warnings that led to it.  And they regret they should have put more effort.
2. Regret for not making wise financial decision.
3. Regret for being too busy in life and not giving the much needed attention for the family.
4. Regret of their old bad habits like smoking/drinking when they become seriously ill.

Life is full of choices, choose wisely and enjoy life.

Friday, 1 August 2014

Art of Parenting

Parenting is indeed an art. Personality and character of parent has a significant influenza on children. The most successful parents are the ones who let children believe more in themselves.

Many often parents are over protective.Protecting or caging a child prevents him from exploring the world and learning from it. Allow them to do things for themselves, to experience life. Let them believe more in themselves and handle situations on their own. They may fail sometimes but they will learn more from each experience.

Another problem is over indulgence.
Every parent wants his or her child to be successful in life by choosing an appropriate career. But does everyone gives the child to chose his path? The choices of life shouldn’t be affected by others interference. If you want to be a singer, allow them to learn singing.Allow the child to follow his/her passion and give your full support.

Since your child has the ability to take decisions, do not intrude in his/her life. Dont pressurize them with your opinions. Many often over indulgant parents create a  sense of self-centredness in children.These children are found to be  less happy and less contented. They face troubles with relationships, and have difficulty handling failures.
We see a lot of marriage breakups these days because of over interference of parents.

Spend quality time with them. Listen to each and  very thing they tell.Let them know that they can be honest with you and tell you everything frankly. When the child makes a mistake, patiently make him/her understand the mistake. Let them understand that it is perfectly okay to make mistake provided you are ready to correct it.

Often the little things we do say a lot. Children notice all the little acts of kindness we do and they learn a lot from it.

Never compare your child with others, every child is gifted with some unique qualities.
Teach your children values like compassion, empathy, honesty, respect, responsibility.