Friday, 12 December 2014

Step out of your comfort zone

It is only when we Step out of your comfort zone, that we enjoy life fully.

I  have observed that if we are chained up in our beliefs, we are limited in achievements. An artificial mental boundary is created within which we feel we are secured and out of which you experience great discomfort.

I have met quite a few who themselves think they are weak and not able to handle the responsibilities. Excuses excuses everywhere and are tied up in their beliefs. They blame their circumstances, their choices etc.

They are  accustomed to the comforts of "I cannot","it is too difficult" and helplessness.
We tend to forget that we are becoming weak by allowing others to do things for us.

But the other set i.e strong people don’t sit around feeling sorry about their circumstances or how others have treated them.  They take full responsibility in life, do all the hard work and knows life is a mix of good and bad moments.

If we are used to our comfort zone, we are not learning, growing, developing, or progressing in life.
As long as we remain in our comfort zone, life continues as usual.

There are many ways to get out of this comfort zone

Make more friends
The more we associate with people, the more our world and mind expands. Make connections with people who can influence you positively.

Challenge yourself and take responsibility

Mistakes may happen, but it  allows you to discover a lot of exciting things in the journey.
Celebrate your victories, and efforts.

I have met many people who fear change so much and they  stagnate the growth of the organization/associated people. They are against innovations and new ways. 

When we push our boundaries, our comfort zone grows, and we grow.

We all are used to the safe known path.

Learn to be comfortable with being uncomfortable

Examine your core beliefs. Don't be rigid in your thoughts.

Do all that is necessary in life and give the best to your life. Take risks in life whenever needed.


  1. Great Article. Lot of good things mentioned.
    - Examine your core beliefs. Don't be rigid in your thoughts.
    - Learn to be comfortable with being uncomfortable
    - If we are used to our comfort zone, we are not learning, growing, developing, or progressing in life.

    Thanks for sharing with reader. Highly recommended!
