Monday 9 November 2015

How to make ghee at home

How to make ghee at home

The aroma of home made ghee is really tempting. My grand ma used to prepare butter, and ghee at home.

The process is really simple. These days we get fresh milk from cow and so thought of preparing ghee at home.

1. Daily collect the cream from the milk after boiling and store in  a  small glass bottle. Keep it in fridge.

What I usually do is, boil the milk and keep in fridge. After 6 hours, I take the cream from it. This way I get a lot of cream, Add a little curd to it.

2. Water will be found at the bottom of the bottle.

3. After collecting for 10 days or so, In a mixer,add cream, add some water and whip it just 5 mins.
Repeat process till butter separates from butter milk.

 Butter will be separated after this process. Collect butter using  a spoon and wash it.The left over butter milk can be used for drinking.

4. In a thick bottomed pan, keep the butter in gas stove on medium heat.

5.After few mins, butter will start melting. Bubbles will be seen. Lessen the heat. Heat till clear ghee is formed.

4. Using a clean cloth or strainer,filter the clear ghee and store in a glass container.

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